What makes you want to walk, not drive? What makes a city walkable?
Walkable Towns and Cities

What makes you want to walk, not drive? What makes a city walkable?
On this episode of The Sydneyist podcast we discuss what makes Paris Paris? Sydney, facing housing, climate and affordability crises gets harder, meaner and more brittle. But Paris – facing the same big-city demands – becomes sweeter and softer, more accessible. What’s the secret? Elizabeth Farrelly spoke with architect Tim Williams about what can we learn […]
Forever French QK Show 004 || Wednesday 9 August 2017 || (8-9:30pm) Bonsoir, Good evening Eastside listeners, It’s Stéphanie Denizard from Queen Kafé. I will be hosting and producing Forever French tonight, Wednesday 9th of August 2017 and we will be having a musical trip in my hometown Montreal, “La ville aux 1000 clochers”. Be […]
Forever French Radiothon Show || Wednesday 21 June 2017 || (8-9:30pm) Sandrine and Vincent Hernandez were hosting Forever French Radiothon show and Stéphanie Denizard came with few surprises for listeners who would become supporters during the show such as guitarist Michael Coggins who played an impromptu song live during the show. We would like […]
Read More… from Forever French Radiothon winners + high tea & songs 21/06/2017
Dear listeners, starting Tuesday 14th of June 2016, Stéphanie Denizard will be overseas for the next 10 weeks. Please enjoy the mix, a great selection of music from Eastside Radio 89.7FM. You might be surprised by another show that will temporarily entertain you during her absence. Queen Kafé will be back on air on Tuesday […]
Read More… from ATTENTION QUEEN KAFÉ IS OVERSEAS (14.06.2016 to 30.08.16)