Work Experience at Eastside Radio

My name is Declan and this week I will be doing my Year 10 work experience at Eastside Radio. I play many instruments, including guitar and trumpet, and for as long as I can remember I have loved music. During my high school years, I have been in various bands playing different types of music, my favourite of which is jazz.

After some research on where I should do work experience I came across Eastside Radio. I had never heard of it before but what appealed to me was the love for music. For most of my life I haven’t liked listening to the radio because I’ve never liked the music being played: Eastside radio is different. It plays the kind of music I like and it’s gotten me to change my mind about radio. I may even consider it as a career.

My family has played a huge role in fuelling my passion for music. My parents took me to a jazz festival when I was five years old and I was fascinated by the music being played. I wanted to play the instruments like they did. Seeing this, my parents organised lessons for the guitar and trumpet, the two instruments that interested me most. Since then I have taught myself to play piano, drums and bass.

I find it hard to describe the type of music I like. However, these are some examples of songs I like:

After only being here a day I have already learnt a lot about how radio works behind the scenes and what it’s like to have a job. I was nervous coming here because I’ve never had a job before but everyone is so welcoming. This is going to be an amazing experience for me and will teach me things that I can’t learn in school.

My ideal career would have something to do with music so I am thankful to have the opportunity to do work experience at Eastside Radio and get an idea of what a job in radio involves. I look forward to the week ahead.