Shakespeare and Company with Sylvia Rosenblum

Over the course of June and July 2019, Shakespeare scholar, Dr Anna Kamaralli, made a welcome return to Arts Wednesday with a 6-part series entitled Shakespeare and Company. In this series, Anna explores Shakespeare’s company – The Chamberlain’s Men – which he joined as a young actor.

The six episodes are as follows:

  1. Two Houses, both alike in dignity: In this episodes, Anna looks at the establishment of professional theatre in England and the first 2 companies.
  2. Cut him out in little stars: In this episode, Anna looks at the star system and who were the stars of the company
  3. It is a pretty youth: Here Anna teases out what we know about the boy actors who played female roles
  4. Let her speak too: Although not in professional theatre, women played their own theatrical roles!
  5. Hooted at like an old tale: In this episode, Anna ,looks at the sources of Shakespeare’s plots
  6. Tricks he hath in him, like gentlemen have: In the final episode, Anna asks “What next?”