Arts Wednesday 15 October 2019

Professor Geraint Lewis, astrophysicist from Sydney University, returns to Arts Wednesday this week with a new 6-part series entitled The Stuff of the Universe. Episode 1 is Our Matter is Molecules. In subsequent weeks, the “stuff” becomes smaller!

My special guest at 11:00 am is Elizabeth Day, artist and curator at the Boom Gate Gallery at Long Bay Prison. We talk about art, mental health and prisoners and focus on … In Trouble, the new exhibition just opened at the gallery.

The Community Restorative Centre is a wonderful   NSW community organisation supporting people affected by the criminal justice system, particularly prisoners, people on prison release & their families. One of their projects is teaching songwriting in prisons and, from that project, they have released a CD, Songbird and I’ll be playing some tracks from that.

Do join me!