Vince Jones & The Astral Orchestra

Live music is back! Australia’s premier purveyor of jazz-rock VINCE JONES returns to Sydney with his unforgettable homage to one of the greatest cross-over artists of our time VAN MORRISON.

Australia’s premier jazz/rock artist presents an unforgettable night of classic rock.  A magnificent homage to two of rocks greatest albums – Astral Weeks – Van Morrison’s most critically acclaimed album and Moondance, his most commercially successful.  This magnificent evening feature all your favourite hits from the classic albums.

“One of the joys of bringing Van Morrison’s Masterpieces back to The Concourse, is the opportunity to get together with the wonderful musicians of The Astral Orchestra who have been so important to its success,” said Vince Jones.  “They are among the finest jazz musicians in the country and bring with them the warmth, subtlety, and swing that these classic albums require.”

Jones, always the storyteller…. had the audience on their feet wanting more – Barry O’Sullivan Fine Music Sydney

Jones is a rare and remarkable interpreter and composer who defies genre to create music without boarders – Australian Arts Review

Australia’s leading jazz vocalist, Vince Jones, is also a remarkable interpreter and composer of songs in a contemporary jazz style – a style that appeals equally to listeners and his musical peers.

Born in Glasgow, Vince and his family came to live in Australia when he was 11 years old. He grew up listening to his musician father’s collection of great jazz albums, and the feel, style and essence of the music became a natural part of Vince’s world. Starting his jazz performance journey as a bebop trumpet player, the young man had no idea that his superb voice would touch the hearts and minds of many listeners – in Australia and beyond.

Vince’s first album Watch What Happens, released in 1981, was a quiet, strong statement – showcasing his vocal and songwriting talent in tandem with stylish accompaniment. A loyal following developed and with each album and tour the Australian audience grew.  20 Albums latter it’s the songs Vince chooses – written by him or by others – always make an original, personal statement.

Van Morrison’s Masterpieces, sold–out concerts to its initial performances at the Melbourne International Jazz Festival at the Melbourne Recital Centre confirmed the demand for Morrison’s repertoire and these iconic masterpieces. Similar acceptance has continued in theatres and at major Festivals continues nationwide.

When The Beatles stopped touring and progressed to psychedelic rock and Dylan left folk and went electric, Van Morrison hired some of New York’s finest jazz musicians and recorded two of the classic albums of that golden era – Astral Weeks and Moondance. Both albums had enormous impact on aspiring musicians and singers around the world. Australian Jazz legend, Vince Jones was one of them. Now, Jones, a remarkable jazz interpreter, has invited a selection of the Australia’s finest jazz/rock musicians to form The Astral Orchestra. His Music Director, Matt McMahon, joins him in this homage to Van’s extraordinary repertoire.

Who: Vince Jones

What: Van Morrison’s Masterpieces

When: Friday 19th November 2021

Where: The Concourse Concert Hall Chatswood

To Find Out More & To Book Online Click Here