Boiling Point 30th August 2016

Missed tonight’s show? Plug into the podcast here:

Luke McPhan began part one in his two-part special on the leaps and bounds in genetic engineering – with CRISPR and human clinical trials set to begin in China:…/chinese-scientists-to-pioneer-first…

Danny Bartos took gaseous carbon dioxide and converted it into fuel:…/2016/…/160825113217.htm

And Chantelle Doyle brought us fantastic un-plastic news that’s going to keep your food fresh, just in casein:…/edible-milk-film-preserves-food…/

Join us next Tuesday at 6pm on the wireless at 89.7FM or over your wireless at

#scienceshow #science #sciencenews #eastsidefm #justincasein #keepfoodfresh #CRISPR