Boiling Point 4 April 2017

Seeds with latitude, declining crop micronutrients and thylacine sightings.

Alex described his upcoming research project into varied plant germination temperature ranges across latitude.

Tim examined decline of micronutrient concentrations in crops courtesy of the changing climate.


And Chantelle caught us up on the latest efforts to substantiate Thylacine sightings in Far North Queensland

Added bonus. Tonight at 8.31pm ABC live broadcasts from Coonabarraban for Stargazing Live

Star gazing Live ABC
Star gazing Live ABC

Join us next Tuesday at 6pm on your wireless at 89.7FM, live over wireless (wifi) via livestream or after the show at
#boilingpoint #eastsideradio #thylacine #FNQ #climatechange #researchresearchresearch #StargazingABC