Boiling Point 18th Juluy 2017 Brown fat, caterpillar cannibalism and gon(e)-orrhea

Brown fat, caterpillar cannibalism and gon(e)-orrhea


Chantelle took us through the differences between WAT (white adipose tissue, white fat or bad fat), BAT (brown adipose tissue , brown fat or good fat) and PHAT fats (which aren’t anything really except our phat tunes)


Source: This original sour of this image has not been provided and the publication correlated with this image wasn't able to be found. Therefore the image has questionable validity but it illustrates the point.
Source: This original sour of this image has not been provided and the publication correlated with this image wasn’t able to be found. Therefore the image has questionable validity but it illustrates the point.

Alex explored the curious case of cannibalistic caterpillars which are tricked into eating one another instead of their target plants

And Tim checked out an unexpected benefit of a meningitis vaccine to treat gonorrhoea 

Oh – and we experimented with Facebook Live!.