Arts Wednesday 28 August 2019

This week, Ed Lippmann returns to Arts Wednesday with a new series and a new concept. He has written a book, entitled Sydney XXXL which examines Sydney in the context of increased global urbanisation and the challenges this brings. For the next 6 weeks, we will discuss a chapter and , now for the new concept: each week, you will be able to download the chapter from the web. The address is:

My special guest at 11:00 am is Eastside’s own resident genius, Toby Creswell, who is curating a festival, Sedition, which looks at the innovation and daring of the 1970s: music, art, film, theatre and more. He’s also chosen some seditious 70s music.

The rest of the music also comes from the 70s but, since I selected it, you would be correct in assuming it’s not at all on the seditious side!

Do join me!