Arts Wednesday 15 October 2019

Professor Geraint Lewis, astrophysicist from Sydney University, returns to Arts Wednesday this week with a new 6-part series entitled The Stuff of the Universe. Episode 1 is Our Matter is Molecules. In subsequent weeks, the “stuff” becomes smaller! My special guest at 11:00 am is Elizabeth Day, artist and curator at the Boom Gate Gallery […]

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Arts Wednesday 25 September 2019

At 10:40 am, Ed Lippmann returns with Chapter 5 of Sydney XXXL  In this chapter, entitled Urban Expansion and Architecture, Ed asks what next? He advocates developing Sydney as a polycentric city to increase liveability for citizens as the city expands. Don’t forget to download this and previous chapters at: My special guest at […]

Read More… from Arts Wednesday 25 September 2019

Arts Wednesday 18 September 2019

At 10:40 am, Ed Lippmann joins us again for Chapter 4 of his book, Sydney XXXL. In this chapter, Ed talks of the challenges of an ever-expanding Sydney and nominates the following 5 areas as critical: population, water, geography and topography, transportation and infrastructure, the harbour and waterfront. Remember to download this chapter (and the […]

Read More… from Arts Wednesday 18 September 2019

Arts Wednesday 11 September 2019

At 10:40 am, Ed Lippmann returns with Chapter 3 of his new book, Sydney XXXL and in this chapter, he looks at Sydney from 1988 to the present day. Remember that each week, the chapter we discuss is available that day on line at: At 11:00 am, my special guest is Rabbi Benjamin Elton, […]

Read More… from Arts Wednesday 11 September 2019