Faboriginal – The Glitz and Glam of the Nation’s Best Indigenous Drag Queens

Zac’s wearing dark slacks and a plain shirt – nothing compared to what’s about to come. He’s just been on a last-minute shopping run down Oxford Street – and pulls out a pair of black stilettos – scattered with silver glitter, the kind you’d expect to see a stripper sporting somewhere seedy in the Cross, […]

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Offerings to the underworld | Discovering Gamelan

Gamelan musician and teacher Gary Watson speaks to Thursday Drive about the mysterious and sacred world of Gamelan music. See Gary with the Sydney Conservatorium Balinese Gamelan Ensemble perform at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at 1pm Saturday 15th September. More information here. Listen to the interview below. Listen to more interviews from Thursday Drive. […]

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Ryoji Ikeda: micro | macro

The internationally acclaimed artist Ryoji Ikeda returns to Carriageworks with micro | macro. Curator Kelly McDonald joined Nick Terry on Thursday Drive to speak about the immersive installation. Developed during a residency at CERN, European Organisation for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, Ikeda contrasts our human scale to the microscopic and unobservable elements of the universe. Listen to […]

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Dream’n Wild at ALASKA Projects

    ALASKA Projects Director  Sebastian Goldspink and Curator Alexander Jackson Wyatt joined Nick Terry on Thursday Drive to speak about their new exhibit Dream’n Wild. With support from the Austrian embassy, the exhibit brings together twenty-one artists from Vienna and Sydney. Listen to the interview below. Dream’n Wild runs July 21 – August 3 […]

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Gauri Bhalla on How To Fail

Have we been getting ‘failure’ all wrong? The fear of failure and pressure to build a perfect career can sometimes paralyse us from experimenting. Educator and entrepreneur Gauri Bhalla joined Nick Terry on Thursday Drive to explore how failure can be incredibly valuable. Listen to the whole interview below. How To Fail classes at The School […]

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David Stratton on Aki Kaurismäki

Australia’s most renown film critic David Stratton spoke to Nick Terry on Thursday Drive ahead of his retrospective of the Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki at this year’s Sydney Film Festival. Kaurismäki’s films celebrate everyday people in the darkest moments of their lives. His characters are broke, injured and sometimes refugees, but Kaurismäki always imbues his stories with […]

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Homecoming Queens

The hilarious and touching SBS series Homecoming Queens has struck a cord with Aussie audiences. Based on the real-life experiences of writers Chloe Reeson and Michele Law, the series dives into the lives of two twenty-something women dealing with life-changing diseases. Refreshingly honest and unflinching, Homecoming Queens faces the realities of death, sickness, and friendship […]

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Is psychiatry ready for medical MDMA?

When you think of MDMA, you might imagine a dodgy drug deal or a sweaty dancefloor, but the illicit party-drug may become a legal medicine in just three years. US researchers are conducting final clinical trials testing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dr. Gillinder Bedi is a Senior Research Fellow at the […]

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How to start a newspaper in 2018: The Neighbourhood Paper

  Hidden beneath your Facebook feed Australian newspapers and magazines are struggling to turn a profit. Everyone has felt the thinner papers, seen the bigger ads, and cringed at the redundancies.  You would be forgiven for thinking that launching a new broadsheet in Sydney would be impossible. However, that’s exactly what The Neighbourhood Paper is […]

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YolanDa Brown: Love Politics War

  UK saxophonist YolanDa Brown is touring Australia with her jazz, soul and reggae album Love Politics War. She joined Thursday Drive to speak about the real-life inspirations for her record and what it’s like being a musician, a mum, and also a children’s book writer. Listen to her interview below. Find YolanDa Brown’s upcoming shows […]

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