Jazz Made In Australia Monday 3th April ‘Revisiting some more good stuff”

Jazz Made In Australia this week is revisiting some more great releases from the last couple of years and also bringing a new release from singer Sandie White. Sandie is a phenomenon, she is a mature aged performer, but sound strong and vital still. Other musicians you will hear are Peter Knight and his Way […]

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Jazz Made In Australia Monday 27th January ‘Paula’s First Program in 2017’

Hello everyone, how good it is to be back to share this great music with you again after my annual summer break. And, I must thank my colleague Mick Paddon for doing such a great job on the program while I was away. I really did enjoy his series on the Changing Face of Jazz […]

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Changing the Face of Jazz with Alex Silver

Trombone player, and band leader Alex Silver is the final musician featured in the Changing the Face of Jazz series which focuses on young women instrumentalists who have been making their names in jazz in recent years. Alex tells how, when faced with a choice between playing glockenspiel and trombone in a school band, she […]

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Loretta Palmeiro Changing the Face and Sound of Jazz

In this week’s series Changing the Face of Jazz, which focuses on young women instrumentalists, the featured musician is saxophonist, clarinetist and flautist Loretta Palmeiro. Loretta has been a member of and soloist in a wide range of ensembles which have made an important impact on Australian music, including the Sirens, the Divergence Jazz Orchestra, […]

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Trumpeter Ellen Kirkwood in her own words and music

Composer and trumpeter Ellen Kirkwood is this week’s focus in Changing the Face of Jazz . This is the regular feature in the hour long program devoted entirely to Australian musicians Jazz Made in Australia. Ellen draws on a rich variety of musical styles and genres for her compositions, and finds her inspiration from sources […]

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Bassist Jess Dunn Makes Jazz in Australia

Bass player Jess Dunn (pictured) is the featured musician in Changing the Face of Jazz broadcast as part of Jazz Made in Australia on January 30th. Jess says of herself that she came to playing music fairly late, by which she means her late teens. She progressed from a hand-me-down electric base to a stand-up […]

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Jazz Made in Australia features Jodie Michael

This week’s Jazz Made in Australia includes the second in the series of profiles of young women instrumentalists, Changing the face of Jazz. Drummer Jodie Michael ( pictured)who was awarded the Jann Rutherford Memorial Award in 2013, is the focus. Jodie has made her musical homes in Wollongong, Sydney and New York. She also gives […]

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Emma Stephenson in Changing the Face of Jazz this week

The new series, Changing the Face of Jazz, focusses on young Australian women who have been making their names as jazz instrumentalists in the past few years. All of them have participated in projects which were aimed explicitly at encouraging more young women to study jazz and think about it a as a musical career. […]

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Australian Women who are Changing the Face of Jazz-New Series

Image: Pianist Jann Rutherford performing in Sydney in the 1990s. Photo copyright Joe Glaysher Over the past decade the face of jazz in Australia has been changing, slowly but surely. While we are used to seeing women singers fronting bands, there have been few women playing the instruments we associate with jazz-trumpets, saxophones, pianos, basses. […]

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Jazz Made In Australia Monday 9th January ‘Last One Before Summer Break’

Usually early in a New Year we reflect on the previous one and that’s what I’ve done in the program this week. I’ve selected some tracks from CD releases that I’ve particularly enjoyed over the past year or two. Of course I can’t fit nearly as many as I would like to in one program […]

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Jazz Made In Australia 26 December 2016 ‘Xmas/New Year 2016/17’

The festive season is well and truly upon us and this week I would like Jazz Made In Australia to reflect that with a program of straight ahead happy music, big band, swing, a touch of latin, a Xmas tune with a difference here and there, music to keep you uplifted during this holiday time. […]

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Jazz Made In Australia Monday 16th December Susnjar ‘Moth to Flame’, Karlin ‘Trace’

‘Moth to Flame’ is Daniel Susnjar‘s second release of his very popular Afro Peruvian jazz ensemble and is equally, drawing accolades, as did his first ‘Su Su Nje‘. Accolades such as ‘Susnjar radiates a joyful energy’ from the SMH and ‘Susnjar has created a fresh and bright thing’ from Australian jazz.net. This recording was also […]

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