Jazz Made In Australia – Monday 29 Feb 2016 – Paula Langlands

The word latin, as it pertains to music, like jazz, is an umbrella covering many different styles and cultures. There is Brazilian, Cuban Argentinian, Mexican to name a few. This week I’m going to bring you one more on JMIA, one I was not aware of previously until Perth based drummer Daniel Susnjar brought it to […]

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Jazz Made in Australia with Paula Langlands – Monday 8 Feb 2016

Jazz Made in Australia (JMIA) producer/ presenter Paula Langlands is on annual leave but the program is not. JMIA will re-broadcast some special programs over this time. Some of the featured artists to be heard will be soprano saxophonist Gai Bryant and her tribute to Cuba, Clarion Fracturezone with Sandy Evans and Tony Gorman, an […]

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