This weekly community billboard is proudly sponsored by the City of Sydney’s Plan for the future – Sydney 2030 – making our city more green, global and connected. […]
Community Billboard 9 October – 16 October

This weekly community billboard is proudly sponsored by the City of Sydney’s Plan for the future – Sydney 2030 – making our city more green, global and connected. […]
October is Mental Health Awareness month, so for the next few weeks Crossing the Line is meeting athletes and mental health professionals to share stories and ideas about mental health in sport. First up is Dr Edel Langan. A former competitive swimmer, Edel has a PhD in sports psychology and has worked as a psychologist […]
Read More… from Swimmer and psychologist Dr Edel Langan on Crossing the Line, Tuesday 9 October
Arts Thursday 4th October 2018 WHAT’S ON TODAY’S PROGRAM: Join Maisy Stapleton for stories in the arts. Sydney Craft Week is being staged for the second year by the Australian Design Centre. This year it’s a festival of creativity and making, with a theme of mindful making – exploring how working with your hands […]
At 10:40 am Professor Geraint Lewis brings us the 6th and final part of The Science of Science Fiction on The Science of Time Travel. The Sydney Architecture Festival took place last weekend. Keynote speaker, Karen Stein, gave the closing address on What is Architecture? She joined me in the studio with Arts Wednesday’s own […]
Click here to listen Allysha Joy has been making a name for herself over the last few years. Alongside Horatio Luna, Ziggy Zeitgeist and the rest of her incredibly talented 30/70 family, their music has taken them around Australia, through Europe and even further through the waves of the internet, emphasised further by the backing […]
This weekly community billboard is proudly sponsored by the City of Sydney’s Plan for the future – Sydney 2030 – making our city more green, global and connected […]
Read More… from Community Billboard 25th September – 2nd October
At 10:40 am, we hear Part 5 of The Science of Science Fiction with Professor Geraint Lewis and this week the topic is The Science of Future Humans. My special guest at 11:00 am is Professor Zdenka Kuncic and our topic is AI. Currently, AIs can perform tasks that are programmed for them. Future AIs, […]
Click play: Mojo Juju is a Melbourne-based artist who has been present within the Australian music scene for well over a decade. She created music that harked to more bluesy, jazz-influenced traditions; which gained her a respectable fan base and an highly coveted record deal with ABC Music. But with the release of Mojo’s riveting third […]
Read More… from The New Thing Interview with Mojo Juju: “I Think I’ve Arrived”
Training for the Olympics is arduous at the best of times. Imagine, then, competing in five sports! That’s the task that modern pentathlete Marina Carrier has taken on. The modern pentathlon comprises running, swimming, show jumping, shooting and fencing. Athletes must run 3200m cross country, interspersed with four legs of laser pistol shooting, swim 200m, ride […]
Read More… from Modern Pentathlete Marina Carrier on Crossing the Line, Tuesday 25 September
Bestselling Australian author, Royce Kurmelovs, tells a story about greed, irresponsibility and failing to learn from the past. Boom and Bust is a revealing look at the rise and fall of the mining industry – at the winners and the losers and the impact of the boom that wasn’t meant to end. In Boom and Bust, […]
Read More… from Queen of the Dessert and Boom and Bust – Arts Monday
Gamelan musician and teacher Gary Watson speaks to Thursday Drive about the mysterious and sacred world of Gamelan music. See Gary with the Sydney Conservatorium Balinese Gamelan Ensemble perform at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at 1pm Saturday 15th September. More information here. Listen to the interview below. Listen to more interviews from Thursday Drive. […]
Read More… from Offerings to the underworld | Discovering Gamelan
WHAT’S ON TODAY’S PROGRAM: Join Maisy Stapleton for stories acrosss the arts . The third Arts Thursday segment on the Sydney Architecture Festival focuses on Ethics in an Age of Excess. This will be a preview of a panel discussion querying if architecture has lost its social purpose, and its focus on the public good […]
Read More… from ARCHITECTURAL ETHICS, TEXTILE ARTS – 20th September 2018