Tenderfoot and the Top 10 Alt-Country albums of all time!

So, yesterday monthly music and entertainment digital magazine, Paste, took on the tricky task of naming the top 50 alt-country albums of all time. Not easy for a number of reasons. Firstly, these things are entirely subjective and there’ll always be cries of “how could you forget this album?”, but even more difficult is the […]

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Album of the Week – Sensations Wind, Waves, Birds, and Fire by Margaret Brandman

‘Sensations Wind, Waves, Birds, and Fire’ by Margaret Brandman is Eastside Radio’s album of the week. The album we are focusing on this week across the station is one that hosts some lengthy experience and talent, this Australian artists’ career in the music industry spans over 40 years. A lady who has been awarded the International […]

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A haunting soundtrack to a movie not yet made…on Monday Drive

Enjoy some extraordinary melodicism and dazzling technique in-studio with me next week, when Monday afternoon gets hot and high octane with a visit from Wolfgang Muthspiel, one of the world’s greatest jazz musicians. In town with his trio for one gig at the Sydney Recital Hall,  Muthspiel’s last recording, Bright Side, was described as “gorgeous, […]

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Boiling Point August 2nd

Missed tonight’s show? Plug into the podcast here:https://eastsidefm.org/boilingpoint/# Tim talked about turning a new leaf in solar-generated syngas https://www.abc.net.au/…/humans-and-wild-birds-talk-…/7650038 … Chantelle reported in from tropical Panama with an interview with Dr. Graham Zemunik on soil driven vegetation assemblages and the role of manganese in reducing growth rates of tropical trees https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Graham_Zemunik And Luke led us […]

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  Cirque du Soleil Company Manager, Genevieve Deslandes, Filmmaker, Tel Benjamin, and Cabaret artist, Chrissie Swan are my guests today. Cirque du Soleil’s new production, KOOZA, is a return to the origins of Cirque du Soleil that combines two circus traditions – acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. KOOZA tells a story of human […]

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plastic vibrations, orange overalls, superfood reverberations

You probably didn’t know your synthetic polar fleece is shedding over 200,000 micro-fibres every time you wash it? You can listen to this week’s Monday Drive on the program page to find out why the fast fashion industry is not only the second most wasteful industry after oil – its ecological footprint is starting to […]

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Album of the week – ‘La Despedida’ by San Lazaro

‘La Despedida’ by San Lazaro is Eastside Radio’s Album of the week. This week we are bringing you an album that showcases real truthful Latin music that is full of originality, as the band San Lazaro from Melbourne have brought us an album with almost-live production that gives for a real sense of connection. You almost […]

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green beef, stressed mangroves, happy estuaries

Remember the guy who rode his horse across the harbour bridge a few weeks back? It was great to have an intrepid  farmer like Glenn Morris on the show this week – smart, learned, progressive, committed and all round top bloke, Glenn explained why he is committed to improving the biodiversity of the land on […]

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Ants, Grief and a P&O Cruise – Stories on Arts Thursday

Three local Sydney writers have specially recorded works for this storytelling episode of Arts Thursday 21st July with Maren on Eastside Radio. We’ll be hearing a short story titled ‘Wine and Cheese Appreciation’ by journalist and writer Amelia Marshall, on a sharehouse and an ant farm. Next, we’ll hear three poems by queer Arab Australian […]

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