Boiling Point 7 February 2017

Malarial mosquito, siblings vs pets and vegetarianism.

Missed tonight’s show? Plug into the podcast here:

Montage image of mosquito, puppy and kitten and vegetables

Tim mulled over malaria research that’s investigating the mosquito immune response to parasites:…/what-mosquitos-immune-system-…

Alex examined young people’s preferences when it comes to their pets versus their siblings:…/2017-01-children-satisfaction-r…

And Chantelle looked into longevity and the virtues of vegetarianism:

Join us next Tuesday at 6pm on your wireless at 89.7 FM, live over wireless (wifi) via livestream or after the show at
#boilingpoint #eastsideradio #malaria #mozzies #petsVSsiblngs #vegetarianism