Boiling Point 30th May 2017 Kooda,compost and ponytails

Kooda, Compost and the mystery of the ponytail swing Chantelle crossed the Nullabor to interview Carly Hardy, founder of  Kooda to find out what’s compost anyway and is it really different from landfill?Want to know more? Carly recommends the Centre for Organic Research & Education (CORE) for more information on the science of compost Plus, Charlotte read into 2012 […]

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Forever French with a Queen Kafé Touch! 31/05/2017

FF Show 001 || Wednesday 31th of May 2017 || (8-9:30pm) QUEEN KAFÉ IS BACK! (Almost) Whilst waiting for Queen Kafé to be officially back on air (waiting for a new time slot), join me tonight at 8pm as I will be hosting my first show on Forever French. It’s a great pleasure and a […]

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In  March 2015, Fiona Roughely  was Sylvia’s guest, talking about equity in our legal system. This year, it is one of two legal history interviews  from Arts Wednesday we are replaying. Equity, or fairness, is an important part of how we see that laws should be made, but the history of this aspect of our […]

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Arts Thursday 1 June 2017.

NEW MUSIC AND ASIAN INTERSECTIONS This Arts Thursday, join Maisy Stapleton exploring aspects of Asian culture in Australia and a multi art form production by women artists. Seven Stories is premiering at the Vivid Festival on June 3rd at the City Recital Hall. The music for Seven Stories is composed by seven women, performed by […]

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Save Sydney’s Green Spaces

When a developer wants to cheap land to subdivide, they often target Sydney’s beloved parks and green spaces. Green spaces clean Sydney’s air, provide refuge for rare species and preserve the natural beauty which all Australian cities are famous for. Ruth Hessey chats with Total Environment Care Executive Director Jeff Angel on how Sydney’s green spaces are […]

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Return To The Wild

What happens when you reintroduce an apex predator back into its native eco-system? Ruth Hessey speaks with Dr Thomas Newsome about the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park and the incredible ways in which they helped to rebuild the damaged rivers and eco-system. As red foxes and feral cats plague Australia’s bushland, Newsome explains […]

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Hey Y’all!

Hey, everyone! I’m Elise and am the newest intern here at Eastside Radio. I am so excited to be working at such an amazing radio station. Here’s a little bit about me and how I ended up where I am today. Throughout my life, my parents have given me the opportunity to travel abroad and […]

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A Night of Jazz With A French Creole Touch!

Singing remixed versions of classic standards and her own compositions from her latest album, songstress Athésia invites you to an enchanting evening. Come and enjoy an intimate cozy atmosphere that unites Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Françoise Hardy, Boris Vian, Massive Attack, The Doors, few Haitian Creole songs with some Bossa Nova. Singer/songwriter and composer Athésia sings in […]

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Album of the Week – New Venusians debut self-titled album

After much anticipation, Sydney neo-soul and hip hop blenders New Venusians have delivered their self-titled debut album via US Label Fresh Selects and will play a run of shows up the coast in celebration of the release. The fresh, synth-soaked LP features singles ‘Keep Running,’ ‘Game Change’ and ‘Get Along’, with the latter landing them a spot on Double J rotation, plus further nods from Triple J Unearthed, Triple J’s ‘Roots […]

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