Love all things live music and want to know more? Check out Take One’s FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and INSTAGRAM pages. You can always of course tune in to the show Friday’s from 1:30-3PM on 89.7FM or stream it across the globe at . 24th March 24.4.17 Foundry 616 Organ Transplant 24.4.17 The Basement Monday […]
Down An Alley Filled With Cats – Review
DOWN AN ALLEY FILLED WITH CATS Reviewed by David King We are all looking for something. Annoyingly, human nature being what it is, once we have what we want most of us want more or decide that it wasn’t what we wanted after all. We all know the obvious ones like money and fame but […]
The Trees Are Listening Too

When we sip tea, slug craft beer, or inhale tobacco, most of us don’t stop to think we are using a bit of plant power to feel better. But as Dr Monica Gagliano, our guest on Monday Drive this week explained, pretty much everywhere you look on earth, “there is an undercurrent story of human’s […]
A New Meaning to Talking to Your House Plant
Monica Gagliano’s studies at the University of Western Australia has found that plants have far more complex and developed senses than we though – with the ability to detect and respond to sounds to ultimately survive. Click the link below to listen: Next on Monday Drive is energy expert Alan Pears, giving his perspective on […]
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Fred Perry was there, and so was his younger cousin Ben Sherman. There were pork pie hats and fezzes with MADNESS emblazoned on the front and there was even a chap – I use this word because we are referring to a crowd seeing a British band – with a mohawk . There was a […]
Woolloomooloo: A Biography
Louis Nowra joined Sylvia in a conversation about his latest book: Woolloomooloo: A Biography on Arts Wednesday 19 April 2017. Follow the links below to hear the conversation: That was Part 1 and here is Part 2: And now for Part 3: […]
Kapture 2017
Kapture – A Memorial Concert in Honor of Ahmed Kathrada (1929-2017) Featuring special guest dancer and choreographer Liz Lea Sandy Evans: Tenor /Soprano saxophone Bobby Singh: Tabla Brett Hirst: Double Bass Greg Sheehan: Drums We are honoured to invite you to this special event to commemorate Ahmed Kathrada, a South African anti-apartheid activist passed away on 28th March this […]
Making Airwaves Episode 13
On Tuesday 25th of July at 6pm, Eastside Radio broadcast the 13th instalment of Making Airwaves! In this episode, we hear from Kurt, Natalie, Maddie, Parico and Julian. The group talks about love of Australia Rock bands, their favorite and least favorite things, pop singers and the importance of music, friends, and stories from holidays. […]
Arts Wednesday 19 April 2017
This week I’ll make good from last week’s disasters. We really will hear Andy Bromberger on Harmony at about 10:40 am, Part 4 of Music’s Mechanical Make-Up. At 11:00 am I am pleased to welcome Louis Nowra back to Arts Wednesday, talking about his latest book, Woolloomooloo: A Biography. Louis has lost none of his […]
Community Billboard April 18th-April 24th
This weekly community billboard is proudly sponsored by the City of Sydney’s Plan for the Future- Sydney 2030- Making our city more green, global and connected. […]
Album of the Week – ‘Freedom Highway’ by Rhiannon Giddens
“Know thy history. Let it horrify you; let it inspire you. Let it show you how the future can look, for nothing in this world has not come around before. These songs are based on slave narratives from the 1800s, African American experiences of the last century, the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and headlines from […]
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Arts Thursday 13 April
Presented by Bronwyn Rennex Today I will be speaking to Kenny Pittock who was recently announced winner of the 2017 Redlands Konica Minolta Art Prize currently on at the National Art School Gallery. Kenny Pittock’s practice combines kiln-fired ceramics, drawing, words, play and wordplay, to blur the lines between painting and sculpture, as well as pop art […]