Flight of Hope and It’s Not Me, It’s Definitely You – Arts Monday

Adelaide doctor Mark Awerbuch is at the gym, doing his standard 30 minutes on the rowing machine, when he notices something wrong. Within a month, he’s diagnosed with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia and over the following months is told by his treating bone-marrow haematologist, “Mark, you have to decide how you want to die”. In his […]

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Eastside Radio’s Album of the Week: 13-19 June

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Eastside Radio’s Album of the week is Be Known Ancient/Future/Music by Ethnic Heritage Ensemble. The Ethnic Heritage Ensemble was formed shortly after percussionist Kahil El’Zabar graduated from the school of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians in 1976. He teamed up with tenor saxophonist Edward Wilkerson, Jr. to play music that combined contemporary […]

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Flamenco Maestro Paco Pena Live

One of the world’s leading traditional Flamenco players, Paco Peña will be bringing his Esencias tour to Australia in 2019. Paco Peña is part of the phenomenon that has transformed the perceptions around the world of Flamenco. He expands his horizons as a guitarist, composer, dramatist and producer, beautifying Flamenco with flamboyance, whilst remaining true […]

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Eastside Radio’s Album of the Week: Jun 27 – Jul 3

Eastside Radio’s Album of the Week is Classic Cabaret Rarities by Robyn Archer on the Rouseabout Records Label. This is an outstanding collection taking the listener from Paris in the 1880s-1890s to Berlin 1900 to 1930s and back to Paris in the 1950s. The album is all the more enjoyable for its simplicity – Robyn […]

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Port Kembla – A Memoir Arts Thursday 27 June 2019

If you’re thinking of writing your autobiography, you could take a leaf out of Pam Menzies’ recollections of her childhood home in Port Kembla, near Wollongong NSW. In her book Port Kembla:A Memoir, Pam interweaves her memories with family history and her mother’s reminiscences, as well as a contemporary perspective on changes to the place […]

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Eastside is looking for Drive Producers!

There’s more to community radio than having great taste in music (though that obviously helps!). Eastside Radio is a community radio station based in Paddington, Sydney, and broadcasting to the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney and the greater Sydney area, where it can be heard as far west as the Blue Mountains. The station can also […]

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East and West Meet on a Magical Night With the Tawadros Brothers and Sydney Symphony Orchestra

When I heard Joseph Tawadros was playing with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra I had my doubts; would the orchestra drown the sound of the oud? Would the different scale system of the East and West result in a disorderly cacophony of sound? I had grown up listening to both styles but this was my first […]

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