For The Duration | Episode 14: Jonathan Zwartz

Jonathan Zwartz is a jazz musician, composer/arranger and live music consultant and board member of APRA the performing rights body.

He speaks about how musicians were the first to lose out due to the virus and may be the last back in after the pandemic and reflects on what more government might do to support the arts/creative sector.

This is not only for musicians but crew as well. They are wonderful, and offer a mental health helpline as well as practical monetary support for musicians or people in the music industry in need. One thing the Federal Government got spot on was to fund support act.
Two Facebook pages that are a great source of info re Jobkeeper/jobseeker for freelancers as well as a way to connect with like minded people.
Freelance Musicians Australia COVID-19 Support
Australian Arts amidst COVID-19

This is just out and a very useful resource also

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