Boiling Point 21 May 2019


Tim, Alex and Cat discuss the options of alien life in space, microbial helpers and the issue with the rhesus factor

Grumpy monkey? – the downside of having rhesus factor negative

Alone in space? – the Drake equation knows the odds

Friends on Mars? – tiny bacteria may help us colonize Mars

Rhesus factor – being rhesus negative is usually not a big deal. Most of the time it’s just one of 33 blood group systems without any relevance. It can become an issue when a rhesus negative woman is pregnant with a rhesus positive baby. If the mother-to-be doesn’t receive treatment, the embryo can die.

Drake equation – a complicated equation with a simply statement, the chances are almost 50:50, however it’s a little more likely that we are not alone in space after all.

Cyanobacteria on Mars – thanks to cyanobacteria we have oxygen to breath on earth. Millions of years ago, the tiny bacteria helped creating the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today. Researchers are currently working on cultivating cyanobacteria called Chroococcidiopsis that may help us breath on Mars one day.

