Flying with rhinos

Rhinos have been hunted and killed for their horns for many decades. What is the situation like today and how do the African countries try to protect their charismatic megafauna? Our guest spent a lot of time in the South African bush on her mission to help the rhinos to survive. She even flew with […]

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Sex, Politics, and Evolution

Most people have a pretty set attitude when it comes to topics like sex and marriage. Some value the traditional family, others live in polyamorous relationships and still others are somewhere in between. But how do we form our attitudes on such matters? And do we stick to them til we die? Our guest, Dr. […]

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HIV special – An (almost) forgotten virus

Corona virus is keeping the world on its toes. But what about HIV? The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV, might not be in the headlines as much as in the 80s and 90s anymore but it’s still very much alive and kicking.

Cat chats with UNSW Specialist and Researcher Dr Nicholas Medland about the state of knowledge, research and treatment of this once deeply feared of all viruses. Get your update on HIV in Australia… […]

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All things sharky

Have you ever come close to a great white shark? Our guest tonight, Sian Liddy, has and she loved it. After all, she does it for a living and in the name of science. Sian is a PhD candidate and shark microbial ecologist at the University of New South Wales and Sydney Uni. She studies […]

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Ribbeting Frog Special

When cities grow bigger, nature suffers – including very fragile animals such as frogs. It is estimated that almost one third of all frog species are listed as threatened or extinct and these are only the species that we know off! But why are frogs so susceptible to human impacted changes in the environment? How […]

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A Spooky Spider Special

Venom, webs, and 8-legged creatures. Some of us, when we think of spiders, we think run the other way. But when we think of the Sydney-funnel web, we think, run away faster! However, our brave special guest Caitlin Creak would rather catch the deadly creature so she can explore everything from its potent venom to… […]

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