Decompression sickness in whales and Aussie bushfire smoke circumnavigates globe

The new Boiling Point podcast is out! Deep and dangerous – Why marine mammals usually don’t suffer from decompression sickness, unless anthropogenic (human induced) noise interferes Smoky and agile – How NASA is currently tracking the movement of Australia’s bushfire smoke around the globe Join Chantelle, Tim and Cat for 30 minute of fun science […]

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Interview with Nathan Hawkins, iGem & lab cultured psychoactive bacteria

The first Boiling Point podcast of the year is out!! Making ‘magic mushrooms’ in a Petri dish, is it magic? No, it’s synthetic biology! Nick and Cat are chatting with Nathan Hawkins, a recent Sydney Uni science graduate, about iGEM, the international synthetic biology competition. Nathan and his team competed by coming up with a […]

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Life stages visible in a blood test and Alzheimers medicine treats brain damage

Boiling Point’s new Podcast is out! Cat and Chantelle hang in the studio to get sciencey and find out; Can we predict biological age from a simple blood test? Researchers from Stanford University might have a result and;   Can alcohol induced brain damage, caused in adolescence, be reversed with Alzheimer’s medication? Possibly, but for […]

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Interview with Gail Broadbent on Electric Vehicles

Join Chantelle and Cat for this week’s episode of Boiling Point. Are they cheaper? Are they “greener?” Why does NZ have such high use? How can we make electric vehicles affordable? EV expert UNSW Gail Broadbent answers all the questions Listen Sources: […]

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Deicing aeroplanes, aboriginal genome and zero alcohol

Boiling Point’s new Podcast is out! This week, Nick, Tim and Chantelle ask: What is the safe level of alcohol consumption? How can ceramic be used to reduce use of chemical spray to de-ice planes? What has a latest study found about the Indigenous Australian’s genome? Listen in: | Links: […]

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Interview with mermaid-marine biologist Danni Washington

This week’s dose of Boiling Point Science is brought to you by Tim and Jake. Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae ) population has bounced back to 93 percent of the population’s prehunt levels; And Jake interviews the delightful marine biologist-mermaid-science communicator-tv presenter, Danni Washington Listen in to the stories: | […]

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