Reanimating pig brains, plastic bag bans, and the psychology of break ups!

Chantelle, Tim and Nick had a chat about activity after “death” in pigs’ brains, the UK’s ban on plastic bags and questioned; is love the same as cocaine? Saving swine Tim started off with some ground-breaking research about apparently dead pigs’ brains showing signs of cellular life after being bathed in artificial fluid. 32 of […]

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Education and Poverty, Black holes and the Event Horizon Telescope

Tonight, on Boiling Point, Nick, Jake and Tim stopped by the studio to talk about the educational impacts of poverty and the super exciting first imagine of a supermassive black hole. The correlation between poverty and a lack of education Despite Australia being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the ACOSS Poverty in Australia report (2016)  found […]

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Insect special: Giant bees, Bogong moths and mathematical bees

This week on Boiling Point Chantelle, Jake and Nick are back for an amazing bug filled week. The six centimetre Megachile Pluto bee is back, having been spotted for first time in 37 years; the devastating consequences of the Bogong moth’s decline; and can bees really do maths? Sources: – – – […]

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Palaeontologist Liz Dowding and Horseshoe crabs

Palaeontologist Liz Dowding and the living fossil; Horseshoe crabs  Special guest devonian palaeontologist and biogiographer, Elizabeth Dowding,  talks with Cat about the contentious fish dominated Devonian period , plus the even more contentious ‘new’ continent Zealandia. Alex talks about the wonderful Horseshoe Crab, technically an arachnid and unchanged for millions of years […]

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Fish pass the mirror test, upward lightning and teen tech use

Reef fish; brighter than you think, upward lightning and teens vs screens Tim brought us the bright and flashy: Lightning research and its newest advances. Check out this Amazing upward lightning  on YouTube Jake saw something fishy: A fish that passes the classic mirror test of animal intelligence calls into question the traditional method of measuring […]

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