Viral DNA, it’s in our genes

Why do we keep getting more viruses? How do they keep up with our evolution? Are we actually providing the perfect breeding ground for viruses? How have viruses changed over time? In this weeks show, your host Anastasia is sitting down with paleovirologist Emma Harding. Did you know that viral DNA is in our genes? […]

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The Psychology behind Vision

How do the things we see make us feel? Do we prefer busy, stimulating visuals like city lights or more calming visuals like the ocean? Will some visuals make us feel relaxed or tense, engaged or bored, refreshed or fatigued? In this week’s episode Anastasia is joined by UNSW PhD student Chelle Roberts. Chelle is […]

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From Science to Comedy to Marketing

From serious to funny. From science to comedy. From biomedical degree to producing, marketing, acting, writing, and stand-up? How do you go from a bachelor of science to a successful career in Comedy? Anastasia sits down with Writer, Comedian, Presenter, and Actor AJ Lamarque. AJ started with a Bachelor of Science in Biological and Biomedical […]

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Solar Energy = Good Energy

Reneweable energy can make a difference in todays changing climate. Moving from environmentally damaging energy sources to ones that use the environment for more sustainable energy sources is key. But how do we do this? In this weeks episode your hosts Chon and Anastasia will be chatting to Akasha Kaleem a PhD student at UNSW […]

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Varroa mite vs feral honey bees – Boiling Point Science interviews Associate Professor Patrick O’Connor

This week on Boiling Point Science, Tim and Chantelle interview Associate Professor Patrick O’Connor from the University of Adelaide to discuss his recent article exploring the role varroa mite could play in managing feral honey bees, and help Australia’s environment Following the detection of varroa mites in sentinel hives in NSW, an emergency response is […]

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How we can support women in STEM

Academia is hard, no doubt about it. But there are things that are out of your control that can make that journey even harder. We’ve spoken on Boiling Point about 1st generation academics, struggles of university, whether to do a PhD, and so much more! Today let’s look at another perspective.   Today Anastasia is sitting […]

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Poopy Parasites

What can we learn from looking at poopy parasites? That is poops of wild animals. We ask our Ass Pro: Michelle Power! Michelle Power is an Associate Professor at Macquarie university, AND she’s a comedian. Listen in as Anastasia and Caitlin chat all things poop, feces, and guano in this weeks episode.   Find Michelle […]

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PhDo or PhDont?

Why do people choose to do a PhD? Is a PhD right for you? Is it best to go from Honours to PhD, without having done a masters? Listen to four different perspectives today and decide PhDo or PhDont? Welcome to Boiling Point. This week Anastasia is joined by three PhD students: Caitlin Creak, Jess […]

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Evolving out of Water

Darwin saw evolution through beetles. Our guest today sees evolution through blennies. But why are they leaving the water behind? Welcome to Boiling Point in this weeks episode our guest is Elizabeth Surovic, a PhD Candidate at UNSW. Elizabeth studies evolution in real time. Blennies, are little fish that are transforming to land right in […]

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