Jin Sun Kim came to Australia from her native Korea to become a pastry chef. Along the way she fell in love with chocolate and is now a chocolatier at her business Kakawa in Darlinghurst. Learn about where chocolate comes from, how it is made and what makes it good – and bad! […]
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The first recorded curry meal served in the colony was at a dinner party given bt Governor Macquarie. It was the food of the upper classes and, as we have learned with other foodstuffs, it doesn’t come on to the tables of average households until it is cheap and plentiful. Commercial curry powders came to […]
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Jelly arrived in the colony long after it was fashionable on tables in England. It was very much a rich man’s dish because of the time it took to make. Learn about these techniques and how jelly later becomes a staple in all Australian homes. […]
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Jacqui Newling returns with Part 4 on oysters. In the early days, oysters were used as mortar. However, we quickly started harvesting them for eating and by the 1860s had seriously depleted this resource. Thus began oyster farming. […]
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In this episode Jacqui looks at tea. Convicts and poor settlers had drunk tea back in England, but it was not considered a staple and was not included in convicts’ rations. As more idea from China came into the colony, the poor drank cheap green tea while the wealthy drank black tea with milk and […]
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When the convicts and first settlers arrived, sugar was not a staple. It was still a very expensive commodity, only on the tables of the wealthy. Learn how sugar became more plentiful, cheaper and part of everyone’s life. […]
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We return to a series from 2016 with Jacqui Newling called Eat Your History. Jacqui is colonial gastronomer at Sydney Living Museums and in this series, she takes us through the history of basic food staples in the early colony. First episode is our most basic: bread. […]
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Diane’s latest book is set in Jersey, one of the Channel Islands occupied by the Nazis during World War II and alternates in time between those dark days and the present. Diane talks about the inspiration for the novel and her research, including her trips to Jersey. […]
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Sue Jowell joins us for a new series entitled The Musical – More Than Entertainment. In Part 1, she introduces the background and early history of the musical from the 18th century, through vaudeville and Gilbert and Sullivan of the 19th century. We conclude with where Sue’s heart belongs: the silver screen and the first […]
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In this final episode of From the Quantum to the Cosmos, Geraint talks about facing cosmic mysteries: what don’t we understand? Well basically a lot – like 70% of the stuff of our universe: dark matter and dark energy, for a start! Once some great scientist discovers the Theory of Everything, that chasm between quantum […]
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Anna Groden from ANG Art and I made our annual pilgrimage to the Archibald finalists at the Art Gallery of New South Wales and recorded our impressions in this conversation. As always, I tend to be the cynic while Anna brings the measured approach, tempered as always, with her great knowledge. Were we blown away? […]
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When Dr Ruth Wilson turned 70, she kept dreaming that she had lost her voice. In a determined effort to find it – and indeed herself – she left her Sydney life for a cottage in the Southern Highlands. To heal her ailing soul, she decided to reread the 6 novels of Jane Austen Her […]
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