What makes you want to walk, not drive? What makes a city walkable?
Walkable Towns and Cities

What makes you want to walk, not drive? What makes a city walkable?
On this episode of The Sydneyist podcast we discuss what makes Paris Paris? Sydney, facing housing, climate and affordability crises gets harder, meaner and more brittle. But Paris – facing the same big-city demands – becomes sweeter and softer, more accessible. What’s the secret? Elizabeth Farrelly spoke with architect Tim Williams about what can we learn […]
On this episode of The Sydneyist podcast we discuss if Sydney is becoming unliveable. The US-based Walk Score rated parts of suburban Sydney as low as 3% and Australia’s Place Score has found that Sydney’s liveability is declining. Are our cities becoming unfair, inhospitable, unliveable? Elizabeth Farrelly spoke with ‘Place Score’ founder and CEO, Kylie […]
William Yang talks on his photographic series My Uncle’s Murder featured at UNSW Galleries.Arts Friday’s Angela Stretch [7:31 minutes] William Yang’s photographic practice explores and is informed by political pressures and issues of sexual and cultural identityl. His work has significantly contributed to the Australian photographic scene spanning over five decades. Yang’s photographic series My […]
Read More… from Artist: William Yang | 24th Biennale of Sydney
Hangover-mas is upon us. It is the small space of time after the over indulgent period. It is where we question if drizzling our fifth piece of trifle in Tea Maria was too much (and no, it certainly was not). As we say good bye to Christmas and welcome Boxing Day we are greeted with […]
It is the season of giving, but are you an over the top gift giver or more specifically an over the top toy giver? This week Alex Sentinella explored the science of toys and play. Today we all want more. Perhaps more is harming us. Research from The University of Toledo indicates less toys […]
Day dreaming and make believe were the corner stones to childhood; imperative to our schooling and the development of our creative bones. What if you could not imagine pirates and heroes? Mind blindness or congenital aphantasia is a condition where people struggle to use visual imagery. To find out about congential aphantasia and binocular […]
We are all too aware human activity negatively impacts the environment. Most of our negative interaction and impact is irreversible. However, in the fight to save the biodiversity of Sydney waters, scientists successfully reversed the effects of human activity on Crayweed and Sydney’s ocean life. Last year we were introduced to the Crayweed […]
Missed the show? Listen to the podcast Image: Chantelle Doyle; Lyuba the 42,000-year-old mammoth Have you met Lyuba? Lyuba is quite an intriguing and mysterious mammoth. Mammoth’s are extinct, but Lyuba seems to be almost immortal as she still captures our hearts 42,000 years later. Lyuba is a preserved mammoth who has had a […]
Read More… from Boiling Point 28th of November 2017; Immortal Mammoths and a New form of Resistance
My guest is a testament to all of the independent artists out there working their backsides off to make it in this industry. From humble beginnings based in the Southern parts of Sydney working as a vocal teacher to international acclaim in the electronic music space with King Arthur, this artist is enjoying a career […]