The Nicholson Egyptian Collection

Join us on this podcast as we continue our incredible journey through the Nicholson Collection of antiquities. This time we explore the ancient civilisation of Egypt. You can hear the story of how Charles Nicholson collected ancient artefacts from the land of the Pharaohs. He chose items specifically for teaching purposes at a tertiary level, […]

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How to save Kings Cross

KINGS CROSS is traditionally Australia’s centre of bohemia and sleaze. It is also our densest neighbourhood by far and a model of walkable urbanism. Now, it is being sanitised to death. What can be done? On this episode of The Sydneyist podcast Elizabeth Farrelly was joined by guest and cultural legend Warren Fahey AM to talk […]

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Zachary Bennett-Brook on the Bondi Sea Wall + Luka Lesson’s Agapi & Other Kinds of Love. Arts Wednesday

Zachary Bennet-Brook is a Dharawal man from Wollongong whose fascination with the sea and surf inform his art practice. His first ever mural was painted on the Bondi Sea Wall and now he is up to his third in this location. This latest work, entitled Travelling, portrays the connections between us all. The colours represent […]

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Ep 1, Part 1: White Australia Blues

The Intersection logo

The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 heralded the White Australia Policy. This culture of whiteness would inevitably affect music in Australia. In this episode we look at the 1928 tour by Sonny Clay’s Colored Idea, the first African-American jazz band to tour Australia. We also look at ways the White Australia Policy continued to affect […]

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The Intersection – Trailer

A series focussing on the intersection between music and history, The Intersection traces the evolution of ideas, social norms and cultural forms in Australia – and the characters and events behind them. Sometimes shocking, with dramatic twists along the way, be prepared for an immersive journey into the surprising moments that shaped our lives and […]

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Celebrate Moore Park’s 150th Birthday

On Saturday 10 December, Moore Park is turning 150 and you’re invited to celebrate this historic milestone at a free family event from 10am to 3pm. Over 70 organisations associated with Moore Park’s rich cultural and sporting past will come together on the day to celebrate the fantastic history of Moore Park – the green […]

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