Arts Thursday 12 January 2017

MARGARET OLLEY This Arts Thursday, celebrate the life and contribution of the beloved Australian artist Margaret Olley. Margaret Olley: Painter, Peer, Mentor and Muse on exhibition at the SH Ervin Gallery tells of Olley’s life not only as an accomplished artist herself but also as a friend and supporter of many of her own contemporaries […]

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Arts Thursday 21 April 2016

Arts Thursday, on 21 April gives air to both the visual arts and to sound-based performance art. First up is composer, broadcaster and writer Julian Day who joins me, Maisy Stapleton in the studio to talk about Super Critical Mass which is showcased in the exhibition CUSP, now making its return to Sydney to the […]

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Blockbuster Destination

          Destination Sydney, is a ground breaking art exhibition, spread over three iconic Sydney Galleries – Manly Art Gallery and Museum, nestled on the harbour foreshore; Mosman Art Gallery located in a refurbished church and purpose built gallery in the heart of this suburb’s leafy streets and the SH Ervin Gallery, […]

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A Woman’s Place … ?

                    Arts Thursday with Maisy Stapleton is about place: place-making and the recording of place. The program is also about women, their contribution to the making and shaping of cities and their empathy with a place, and its influence on their art and creativity. Two very […]

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