Good music is by my side every day: The voice of John Lennon helps me through sad days, the musical diversity of ABBA makes me smile, I listen to Coldplay with my friends and dance to Queen songs. Music is great!
Life is for the living.
Langston Hughes
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music.
And death a note unsaid.

I’m Hanna, 20 years old and from Germany. I always knew that I want to work with media. That’s why I decided to study journalism after high school. So far I have already done an 8-week internship on a regional television station, I have also written for a city magazine… but the third major media genre is still missing. Therefore I decided to do my next internship „on Air“.
Beside this I am a great music lover. My taste in music is like a rollercoaster ride: from Abba to Olivia Rodrigo to AC/DC. In my Spotify playlist you will find everything! Older people often wonder why I know the lyrics to Queen, Elvis or the Beatles. I have a simple answer: I have a weakness for oldies. My biggest wish is to see an ABBA comeback!
As a person who loves music, I also play an instrument: the guitar. The instrument has accompanied me all my life. Unfortunately I couldn‘t bring my guitar with me to Australia.
But why so far away?
My family and all my friend asked my this. I have two main reasons why I decided to do my internship in Sydney: at the other end of the world. One cause is that I adore traveling. Australia was ultimately the continent I was missing. I had so many pictures of Sydney in my head. A city between palm trees, directly by the sea. Tropical. It is a great chance to combine studying and traveling. So far Sydney did not disappoint me and I rally like this place. The other reason is that as a future journalist I need very good English. I hope that I can improve my skills during my time here.