Spying on Kangaroos

Kangaroos are iconic Australian animals that have interesting behavioural characteristics. They live in communities, and their environment plays a factor in their interactions. We are going to take a closer look at the environments kangaroos live in and how certain factors in their environment affect their behaviours. Daphne Willemsen will tell us about their research […]

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What’s in a song? How urban environments change animal behaviour

Humans are affecting animals in multiple different ways. Our infrastructure is bleeding into forests and our way of life is changing how animals adapt to their environments. But are we aware of how we are impacting animals? In this episode of Boiling Point Anastasia is joined by Dr. Dominique Potvin, a Behavioural Ecologist, Evolutionary Biologist, […]

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Fungi Unearthed: Digging into the Myco-Mysteries of mushrooms!

What is it about fungi that make them an exciting conversation piece in today’s media, movies, and video games? In this episode Anastasia chats Vanessa McPherson all about the natural history of fungi. Vanessa McPherson is a Research Assistant in the Environmental Microbiology and Molecular Analysis Laboratory in the School of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University. […]

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What the hail is going on!?

Hailstorms are some of the costliest natural disasters that occur in Australia. One of the most infamous examples is the Sydney hailstorm of 1999 which dumped hailstones over 11cm in diameter and caused $1.7 billion in insurance damages. It’s quite surprising therefore, that we don’t have great observations or understanding of hailstorm probability. In this […]

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Conserving Mars

Dreams of visiting Mars have been part of human imagination for centuries. But now that these dreams are closer to realization than ever before, so are the concerns of how we will treat the planets we will visit. Join us, as we chat to Clare Fletcher. Clare studies the exciting and new field of the […]

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Ecosystems at risk

Ecosystems are under threat of collapse from human stresses and climate change. Is your favourite ecosystem at risk? In this episode of Boiling Point, Sammy and Liz speak with Dr. Aniko Toth, a research fellow at UNSW Sydney who works in ecosystem conservation. Aniko uses modeling to combine satellite data with local species data to […]

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